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​UT EERC Stage 2

2501 Speedway

Austin, Tx 78713


  • The Engineering Education and Research Center (EERC) project will be constructed in two stages resulting in the replacement of the functionally obsolete Engineering-Science Building (ENS), temporary facilities Computer
    Sciences Annex (CSA) and Academic Annex (ACA), and provide the University with a new eight level, 432,794
    gross square foot (GSF) +/- engineering facility.

  • An additional 36,243 GSF +/- of renovation / remodel in levels 0, 1
    and 2 of Ernest Cockrell Jr. Hall (ECJ) will also be available to the engineering department.

  • This project will also provide, at campus parking lot 41, a new 2,850 GSF +/- Material Transfer Center to accommodate a displaced
    Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) campus operation and 22,569 GSF +/- of swing space in ECJ level 1 for a
    total of 494,456 GSF +/- of construction.

  • Various space types included in the EERC project are interdisciplinary
    research laboratories, undergraduate education spaces, electrical and computer engineering departments, meeting and conference rooms, student support and outreach space, offices, lounges, break rooms, distance learning
    classrooms, an auditorium, atrium, library, café, center for innovation, mechanical, electrical and telecommunication support space and a network operations center facilitating campus data management and communication services.

  • Exterior improvements consist of site structures along the project boundary that interfaces with Waller Creek,
    pedestrian bridge, roads, drives, sidewalks, landscaping, campus and site specific utilities as well as utilities feedingthe J.T. Patterson Laboratories Building.

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